The Latter Days of September with John H. Watson and His Society

Have the equinoctial gales set in with exceptional violence in your neighborhood yet? The trees in the neighborhood of at least one Watsonian think so. Nonetheless, the internet cable is back and it’s time to gather the John H. Watson Society yet again.

In honor of a particular Watson September, we will be featuring an impromptu Clark Russell reader’s theater production of what some say is the very book he was reading the night that John Openshaw came to 221B Baker Street. (“Some” being a certain weekly podcast host.) You won’t want to miss it, just in case someone forgets to hit the “record” button.

When: Sep 24, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) 

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

2022 Treasure Hunt Results

Attenta! Attenta! The results have arrived from our esteemed Treasure Hunt Master, Rich Krisciunas (Hector):

“The 2022 John H. Watson Society Treasure Hunt is now over with a record 27 participants trying to solve a contest that was described as “a death quiz,” “diabolical” and “fun, fun, fun.”

The quiz had 72 questions based on our heroes in the Canon, some really horrible puns and a killer cipher. The fun thing was to review all of your answers and award points when deserved. My final answer sheet grew by an additional two pages. One of my questions had an extra four possible correct answers that I hadn’t thought of. Hats off to all of you for being so clever and knowledgeable about our hobby.

The individual champion was Steve Mason (Tex) of the Crew of the Barque Lone Star and the head of the Legion of Zoom who scored 182 of out a possible 200 points. Mason edged out sixty five time champion Michael Ellis (Lobo) who scored 177 points. The difference turned out to be that darn cipher as Mason correctly solved the phrase, “Good old Watson. You are the one fixed point in a changing age.” Our society is named after Watson so that was the first clue. The dreaded cipher used the first letter only in four letter words. Puzzlers who wondered about why words like “xray” and “iced” coffee appeared in the message figured out the solution. 

Paul Thomas Miller (Buck), sole member of The Shingle of Southsea, finished in third place with 173 points ahead of Todd Winegar 159, Enrico Solito (Devon) 155, Paul Hartnet (Scout) 140. Tom Campbell, of Cape Fear, North Carolina, Caitlyn Maughan and Ellie Lo rounded out the group.

The toughest competition in Treasure Hunt history took place in the team category as two teams tied for first place with 190 points and the champion was decided by date of entry. “The Sound of the Baskervilles”; Cameron Brandon, Margie Deck (Mopsy), Sunny Even, Nancy Holder (Diana) and Naching Kassa submitted their entry on August 12 and ended up edging the “Ineffable Twaddles”; Beth Gallego (Selena Buttons), Sandra Little (Harmless), Brad Keefauver (Calder), Crystal Noll, Madeline Quinones (Maddy), and Tatiana Sharapa who turned in their answers on August 28. 

The all French team, “La Fayette SSHF,” led by captain,Daniel Henocq and his assistants Léandre Helbecque, Nicolas Maurel-Lalague, Florence Turenne and Thierry Saint-Joanis (Tristan) finished in third place with 136 points edging out Ed and Elaine Lintzenich who battled Covid and the cipher to finish fourth.

Thanks to all who participated and I hope the hours you put into the Hunt were enjoyable. Until next year, best wishes to all who play ‘The Game.'”

2022 Treasure Hunt Answers

The qualities of the perfect Watson

At the latest meeting of the John H. Watson Society, we decided the Worst Watson to date with a bracket tournament that reduced sixteen screen Watsons to a single Worst Watson. Who was voted the Worst Watson? It was definitely Dudley Moore from “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” who beat out Anthony O’Donnell in “Xango De Baker Street” in the final round. But in determining the worst of Watsons, the question was raised as to the best of Watsons.

How would we determine the best of Watsons? How do we reduce bias and perform the a more “scientific” determination of Watsonian quality than a silly bracket tournament or popularity contest? After some discussion, we decided that coming up with twenty characteristics of a true Dr. Watson that we could use to rate Watsons would be a great start. So what qualities? Display of friendship? Moustache? Wound carrying? Medical abilities? Verbal abilities of a writer?

In the comments below, we’re going to start collecting qualities in our initial efforts to build a matrix of perfect Watson qualities, based on the John H. Watson of the Original Canon. Let us know what qualities you think should be included in our search for the Best Watson Ever!

The August Meeting of the JHWS

Don’t get so wrapped up in finishing the annual John H. Watson Society Treasure Hunt that you miss out on our August meeting! Yes, it’s a busy month, with school and such starting up again, but we still have important business to attend to, and you might want to be present when Decisions of Great Import are being made. What decisions?

Well, nothing less than picking the Worst Watson of All Time. Nigel Bruce has suffered long enough, and it’s time to point out that there are far worse Watsons out there. And to make that point, we’re holding a Worst Watson Tournament, in that classic bracket play-off fashion, as our society narrows down the field from sixteen worst Wats-ons to a single Wats-off, the true king of bad Watsonery!

And, yes, you are invited to this frabulous Zoom meeting.
When: Aug 27, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The Annual Treasure Hunt Is On!

“But I did think that I had put the game in their hands.”

In keeping with the long-standing tradition of canonical quizzing among Sherlock Holmes societies around the world, The John H Watson Society invites all Sherlockians, Holmesians, and Watsonians to participate in the Annual John H Watson Society Canonical Treasure Hunt.

The goal of the Treasure Hunt is to bring together Watsonians, Sherlockians, and Holmesians on a global, collegial basis to further the scholarship and enjoyment of our mutual interest in all things 1895.  The JHWS hopes participants will find the Treasure Hunt to be the definitive — and the most enjoyable — canonical quiz.   The competition runs from August 1 through August 31 each year.

Returning Treasure Hunt Master Rich Krisciunas invites individuals and teams to this year’s 73-question hunt. You will find a link to download the questions below.

Requests for clarifications or other questions for the treasure hunt master may be asked by commenting on this post, or by emailing the master at If you ask a question in the comments, please do not post possible answers.

Your answers should be sent by email no later than midnight, EDT, August 31, 2022 to

2022 Treasure Hunt Teaser Answers

The time allowed to complete the 2022 Treasure Hunt teaser has passed. And, as Musgrave told Holmes, “I have a copy of the questions and answers here, if you care to run your eye over them.”

Treasure Hunt Master Rich Krisciunas sent along the answers, as well as a reminder that this year’s hunt will commence right after midnight tomorrow night. Are you ready?


As a preview of the 2022 John H. Watson Society Treasure Hunt, fill in the blanks:

(1 point for each correct answer unless noted.)

                                                IT ALL STARTED WITH OUR GOOD DOCTOR

  1. Dr. John H. Watson received his medical degree from ____________________________


  • Subsequently, he trained to be a surgeon at ___________________


  • In India, he was attached to the ________________________


  • Upon reaching Candahar he subsequently was attached to ____________________


  • Where he served in the battle of _________________


  • Before he was injured after being struck by a _______________________-


  • He was saved and carried off the battlefield by __________________________


  • He was transported home on the troopship _______________________


  • Watson’s pension amount was __________________________



  1. The address of the woman engaged to a head waiter.


Marie Devine, the maid, was as popular as her mistress. She was actually engaged to one of the head waiters in the hotel, and there was no difficulty in getting her address. It was 11 Rue de Trajan, Montpellier.  LADY

  1. The address where the coffin was delivered.

ANSWER: No. 36, Poultney Square, Brixton.

Then she called a cab and got in. I was lucky enough to get another and so to follow her. She got down at last at No. 36, Poultney Square, Brixton. I was standing there, wondering what I should do next, when a covered van drove up with two men in it. They descended, took something out of the van, and carried it up the steps to the hall door. Mr. Holmes, it was a coffin.” LADY

  1. The address where the constable lived.


I should like to speak to the constable who found the body. Can you give me his name and address?” Lestrade glanced at his note-book. “John Rance,” he said. “He is off duty now. You will find him at 46, Audley Court, Kennington Park Gate.”

  1. The address of the inspector invited to breakfast.


“The other is: ‘Inspector Stanley Hopkins, 46 Lord Street, Brixton. Come breakfast to-morrow at nine-thirty.”

  1. The addresses of two who were both suspected.


There are numerous small fry, but few who would handle so big an affair. The only men worth considering are Adolph Mayer, of 13 Great George Street, Westminster; Louis La Rothiere, of Campden Mansions, Notting Hill; and Hugo Oberstein, 13 Caulfield Gardens, Kensington. BRUC

                                         DO YOU HAVE THE TIME?

  1. Five who were scheduled to arrive at noon. Who and where? 6 pts


Holmes to Watson: “A fellow who is working at the chemical laboratory up at the hospital. He was bemoaning himself this morning because he could not get someone to go halves with him in some nice rooms which he had found, and which were too much for his purse.”

“When shall we see them?” “Call for me here at noon to-morrow, and we’ll go together and settle everything,” he answered. “All right—noon exactly,” said I, shaking his hand.” STUD

Agony column ad written by Co. Valentine Walter directed to Oberstein,

“Therefore I shall expect to meet you in the smoking-room of the Charing Cross Hotel at noon on Saturday. Remember that only English notes, or gold, will be taken. And it did! It is a matter of history—that secret history of a nation which is often so much more intimate and interesting than its public chronicles—that Oberstein, eager to complete the coup of his lifetime, came to the lure and was safely engulfed for fifteen years in a British prison.” BRUC

“There lives a well-known medical practitioner, named Dr. Barnicot, who has one of the largest practices upon the south side of the Thames. His residence and principal consulting-room is at Kennington Road, but he has a branch surgery and dispensary at Lower Brixton Road, two miles away.

Dr. Barnicot was due at his surgery at twelve o’clock, and you can imagine his amazement when, on arriving there, he found that the window had been opened in the night…” SIXN

JHWS Training Day

August is almost here, and you know what that means! It’s Treasure Hunt time again, so this coming Saturday, July 23, the bull pups and friends will gather on Zoom for a virtual training montage to get in shape for running with the pack next month.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

And while you’re waiting for Saturday, here’s the weekly episode of our society’s podcast if you aren’t subscribed on your favorite podcast service: (Don’t expect it to last you until Saturday though — it’s not quite fifteen minutes.)

Attenta! Attenta! Warm Up Time for the 2022 Treasure Hunt

The 2022 John H Watson Society Annual Treasure Hunt is fast approaching and Treasure Hunt Master Rich Krisciunas has a little teaser to warm up your hunting skills.

In keeping with JHWS tradition, the annual hunt will begin as midnight of July 31 passes to August 1. This year the posting will be made Pacific Time (PDT). As always, individuals and teams are encouraged to join in the fun. The hunt will run the full month of August, and results will be announced in September.

There is no need to submit your warmup work. Answers will be posted on July 29.

Happy Hunting!


As a preview of the 2022 John H. Watson Society Treasure Hunt, fill in the blanks:

(1 point for each correct answer unless noted.)

                                                IT ALL STARTED WITH OUR GOOD DOCTOR

(Easy details that you probably know from memory.)

  1. Dr. John H. Watson received his medical degree from __________________________
  • Subsequently, he trained to be a surgeon at __________________________________
  • In India, he was attached to the _____________________________________________
  • Upon reaching Candahar he subsequently was attached to ______________________
  • Where he served in the battle of _____________________________________________
  • Before he was injured after being struck by a __________________________________
  • He was saved and carried off the battlefield by _________________________________
  • He was transported home on the troopship ____________________________________
  • Watson’s pension amount was _______________________________________________


(Harder addresses you’ll probably have to look up.)

  1. The address of the woman engaged to a waiter.
  1. Where the coffin was delivered.
  1. Where the constable lived.
  1. The address of the inspector invited to breakfast.
  1. The addresses of three who were suspected. 3 pts

                                    DO YOU HAVE THE TIME?

(If you like this one, you’ll like the Treasure Hunt that starts July 31 at midnight.)

  1. Five who were scheduled to arrive at noon. Who and where? 8 pts

Summer Watson, anyone?

Hi there,

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. (Yes, I just pasted the standard Zoom invitation to start this post.)
When: Jun 25, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

What’s the theme? “Summer Watson!”

What’s that mean? That’s what we’ll be figuring out! One of those men’s one-piece swimsuits with the wide stripes and a straw hat for a trip to the beach? Sitting around Baker Street in his boxers sweltering in the heat? Heading out to the street for a halfpenny Italian ice? Let’s find out!

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Also, don’t forget the latest episode of The Watsonian Weekly, where we don’t even mention that the meeting is coming up (but you read it here anyway).

Our May Meeting Has Egg On Its Face

Sure, next Saturday is a holiday weekend in the US, but what’s more important, family, friends, cook-outs, and travel? Or talking about John H. Watson and eggs? (And the usual random off-topic chat that fills up the last hour and a half.) Join your fellow bull pups and friends for a Saturday hang that always goes where no Sherlock Holmes society will go. (Because we’re a Watson society!)

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Saturday, May 28, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

New Issue of The Watsonian

Copies of the latest issue of The Watsonian have been arriving in mailboxes over the last week.

The Spring 2022 issue marks our 10th year of publication and features an eclectic mix of regular columns, fiction, poetry, and articles on diverse topics in Sherlockian and Watsonian scholarship.

Individual copies are not available for purchase at this time, but Society members will find a link to download the digital edition on the Member Resources page.

The JHWS April Meeting is for horsing around with Watson

This Saturday, April 23, the bull pups and friends will be gathering on Zoom once again to discuss John Watson’s relationships with horses and whatever else we ramble on about. (Maybe we shouldn’t make bull pup Maddy talk about 221B Con — she’s done two podcasts on it already.) Think there’s not much of an equine Watson to discuss? You might be surprised — but you have to saddle up for Saturday’s Zoom to find out!

You are invited to a Zoom meeting, then!
When: Apr 23, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The John H. Watson Society at 221B Con

Are you a past, present, or future member of the John H. Watson Society in Atlanta this weekend for 221B Con 2022? Want to see your fellow Watsonians live and in person? We’re getting together for a couple of casual gatherings before the pre-and-post con Zooms mentioned earlier, and you’re invited!

We’ll be gathering for lunch in the hotel bar at 1:00 PM on Friday, and pulling together a second event Sunday night (pizza maybe?) about 6. Drop by, drop in, drop over, but if you want to be sure we save you a seat, DM @BradKeefauver on Twitter to let us know you’re coming. Hope to see you soon!

Of course Watson returns to 221B!

It’s the week before 221B Con, and with bull pups on panels, the John H. Watson Society is going to be well represented. Somebody should have taken notes on that at our last meeting, but the latest Watsonian Weekly wanders through the schedule even though the host doesn’t remember who is on what panel.

There are also going to be two John H. Watson Society zooms, Friday afternoon and Sunday evening, hosted by Madeline Quinones. Here are the links to reserve your spot for those:

Friday, pre-con:

Sunday, post-con:

We hope to see you somewhere next weekend!

John H. Watson Society March Meeting

You know the drill — join your fellow Watsonians for an hour or two of chat on whatever topics we wander into. This month’s theme “The Toys of John H. Watson” is whatever those words bring to mind — hopefully nothing dark or murderous after last month! March is rolling by at the speed of a hoop and stick being played with by a little Johnny Watson, so take a minute to catch your breath with us.

You are invited to THE Zoom meeting.
When: Mar 26, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada — who knows what that is in Portsmouth after we did the Daylight Savings switcheroo!)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Our February Meeting: The Crimes of John H. Watson

Remember the movie “Without A Clue,” where Watson was the secret genius of Baker Street and Sherlock Holmes was a foolish actor? So take that premise, but keep the Sherlock Holmes we know at full genius level. THEN make Watson a criminal mastermind of a level that Holmes did not even suspect — Eurus Holmes level. How many hidden crimes documented in plain sight in the Canon could he have been responsible for?

“The late Irene Adler?” “The late Elias Whitney?” Paul Thomas Miller has opened up a Pandora’s box, a can of poisonous worms, a horrific possibility that simply must be examined by the John H. Watson Society, whether we want to believe it or not, and your JHWS meeting host is running with it.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting to discuss the full ramifications of this dark path.
When? Feb 26, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada), 6:00 PM Portsmouth Time (UK and Bullpup Buck), and whatever works for the rest of the zones to match those.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

What? There’s still a January meeting?

Since last weekend was a very special “Sherlock Holmes Birthday Weekend” gathering of the John H. Watson Society and friends, and since our actual monthly meetings tend to happen without speakers, agendas, or much planning . . . well, why not have a meeting on our normal weekend of the month?

So here’s our last minute meeting details for any of you Watson fans who just want to show up and see what happens:

When: Jan 22, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Society Membership

We were pleased to see so many folks at our Zoom sessions over the Weekend of Birthday Festivities. Much fun was had!

So much fun, in fact, that our Shopkeeper (that would be me) is a little bit behind in processing the membership orders that came in over the weekend.

A thousand apologies for the delay! Rest assured, your order has been received, and you will see a Welcome email very soon.