Our October Consultation, Sunday, October 22

Just a reminder that the monthly meeting of the John H. Watson Society is coming up this Sunday, October 22, at noon Central time. Here’s that link:


This month’s Consultation will be trying something new as we bring in author, editor, symposium host, and inveterate reader of Sherlockiana, Rob Nunn into Watson’s examination room for a probing interview on his Watson-based afflictions. (Our “patients” will remain fully clothed for their examinations, don’t get excited.) After some rounds of questions by our Resident, we’ll open things up to the group to make sure we leave nothing out in diagnosing the seriousness of Rob’s case.

Be sure to check that link above to see what we find!

Let’s talk about Watson’s new podcast!

This week saw the start of Sherlock & Co., a new weekly podcast by John H. Watson, M.D. about his life with Sherlock Holmes. It’s a lively modern romp that’s not BBC Sherlock, but an original riff that aims to do modern takes on all sixty original Canonical tales. Two 35 minute episodes came out this week on all sorts of podcast sources ( I use Apple Podcasts, myself — https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/sherlock-co/id1710121792 )

If you’d like to help review the new podcast on the Watsonian Weekly, this Sunday, October 15th at 1 PM Central time, there’s going to be a chat on Zoom that you can register for with the link below. Be forewarned, however! Your podcast host is enthusiastic about this show and will only be taking POSITIVE opinions for the podcast. Grumblers and Canon-only Watsonians need not apply. That said, we’d love to hear your happy thoughts on the matter, if you’ve got the time. Here’s the gathering link (not an actual meeting of the JHWS — that’s later this month):


Picking a mascot!

We have decided that it is time that the John H Watson Society should have a mascot, and who better to represent us than Watson’s bullpup? But herein lies a little difficulty! Is this puppy a bulldog or a bull terrier? Which of these two little pups below would you like to see representing us? We will be taking in votes from now through our next consultation (Zoom meeting) on October 22nd.

The JHWS October “Consultation” is coming . . .

After last month’s little history lesson on the John H. Watson Society, our meetings are getting referred to as they once were as “Consultations,” whether in-person or over video. While it is true that John Watson did not yet have tele-health visits at his disposal, our regular meetings sprang from the technology, so we think he would approve.

Here’s the link for October. More to come as the month progresses!


Hear the JHWS meet, and then help us meet some more!

Firstly, if you want to hear the wide range of John H. Watson Society folk discussing some Watsons we found, listen to this week’s Watsonian Weekly!


Secondly, we want to know what you’d like to see/hear at our meetings! Take our survey!


Thirdly, the John H. Watson Society meets again in two short weeks on September 24th at noon Central time. Here’s the registration link:


Hit all three links and the site will send a time-travelling psychic emotional message to Watson in autumn 1891 and he will have a moment of happiness without knowing why. (As far as anyone in 2023 knows. Not scientifically proven or tested.)

The JHWS 2023 Final Results!

The 2023 John H. Watson Society Treasure Hunt is over and it was the closest contest in many years. Entries were received from around the world including Canada, Australia and France.

The overall and individual US champion, once again, was Michael Ellis of Plymouth, Michigan who answered all questions correctly, except one, for 198 points. He was one of only four contestants whocorrectly solved the dreaded cipher. Ellis is a multiple champion who was edged out for first place last year by Stephen Mason and Todd Winegar (each getting 181 points) who fell to a tie for fourth place. 

Paul Thomas Miller solved the cipher and won the International individual championship with 189 points, edging Enrico Solito (182).

The US team championship went to the Sound of the Baskervilles from Seattle, Washington, who scored 192 points and were comprised of Cameron Brandon, Margie Deck, Nancy Holder, Naching Kassa and David Merrell.  They correctly solved the cipher, too, as did the Maughan Family (Carrie, Michael, and Caitlyn) from Canada (175). The US team of Brad Keefauver, Sandy Kozinn and Madeline Quinones finished second with 185 points. 

The International team champions, La Fayette (182), came from France and were comprised of Daniel Henocq, Léandre Helbecque, Nicolas Maurel-Lalague, Florence Turenne, Anne du Ranquet, Thomas Bataillon (age 12), Véronique Chapperon and Thierry Saint-Joanis (Tristan JHWS).

Here are the top scorers:


Michael Ellis                198  US Champion

Paul Thomas Miller     189  International Champion

Enrico Solito                 182

Steve Mason                181

Todd Winegar               181

Mark Doyle                   180

Johanna Freeman        178

Ellie Lo                         175


Sound of the Baskervilles     192 US Champions

Keefauver, Quinones, Kozinn   185

La Fayette                                182 International Champions

The Maugham Family               175

Corrected answers were e-mailed to all participants. Congratulations to all who participated. 

The August JHWS Treasure Hunt Final Team!

The month of August went pretty fast for most of us, and the John H. Watson Society’s annual Treasure Hunt challenge has been completed by many teams and individuals already. Yet there are those of us who might have been a little too busy, a little nervous about attempting the challenge on our own, or just didn’t get on the ball nearly early enough. For all of us falling into that category and functioning anywhere close to a Central US time zone, however, there is one last chance: The Final Team.

The Final Team will be a team of whatever ne’er-do-wells, lazy eccentric geniuses, and champions of the last minute who show up for a Zoom on Wednesday, August 30 at 7 PM Central time to start the quiz from scratch and see how much they can cobble together for a last minute team entry. Three hours have been booked, but c’mon, such an misfit band won’t even need that, right? You’ve seen the movies!

Oh, yes, and The Final Team, as it shall be known, will be recorded in their labors for a special post-Treasure Hunt episode (edited like craze for entertainment value, of course). Is this a crazy scheme? YES! But it’s just crazy enough that it just might work!

If you’d like to be a part of The Final Team, here’s the Zoom link to sign up for Wednesday night’s fun. Let’s go get it and show those early-month know-it-alls how it’s done!


The August JHWS Meeting: The Watson Rorschach Test

What news of the John H. Watson Society Treasure Hunt is there? What is “The Watson Rorschach Test?” Why doesn’t someone announce meetings sooner?

This Sunday, August 27th, at noon middle-America time, the John H, Watson Society will gather via Zoom and answer at least two of those questions, among others. And then chat about whatever comes up, as Watsonians do to round out ninety minutes before the Canonical Conversationalists time rolls around. Baker Street isn’t the only oven in August this month, but find a cool space and join us. Here’s the registration link:


The 2023 John H. Watson Treasure Hunt

Here we are again, August and the annual test of our John H. Watson Society and anyone else who wants to get in on the challenge. I won’t waste any more time introducing it, because you know you want to get right to it, sooooo: Ready? Set? GO!

Here is the link to the rules: https://www.johnhwatsonsociety.com/treasure-hunt/treasure-hunt-rules/

And here’s a link to the thing itself: https://www.johnhwatsonsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/2023-JOHN-H.-WATSON-SOCIETY-TREASURE-HUNT-QUESTIONS.docx

JHWS Treasure Hunt 2023 is coming!

Every August first, Watson’s finest fans embark upon a quest for the treasures hidden within our favorite chronicler’s written records. Both teams and individuals race for glory and achievement in completing the greatest Watsonian challenge of the year, with an entire month to wrack their brains over the test put before them, this year concocted by that devious defender of the Canonically indefensible, Rich Krisciunas.

Rich has promised us a grand challenge this year, with topics ranging from “The Hired Help” to “Time for Bed” (which we hope didn’t cross paths in Watsons life!). Science, medicine, walking sticks, hotels . . . you just don’t know what he’ll come up with. Perhaps even a murderous cipher to be vexin’ a Texan!

Our Treasure Hunt master has provided us with some same questions to whet our whistles as we wait for that Tuesday in August that the big knowledge race starts. See what you can do with the following:

1. What object did Watson see on top of a bookcase?

2. Who besides the King of Bohemia had the chest and limbs of a Hercules?

3. A store selling maps had the same name as a man arrested by Watson. 

4. What was the make of the car driven by Watson?

5. He taught him how to convert stolen property into money.

Have some ideas? The answers will come, but c’mon! You’ve got this! See what your friends think, assemble your team for the Hunt, and plan to start that mental engine racing in just a few short weeks!

Discussing Dr. Watson’s Solo Story

It has finally happened: The John H. Watson Society is finally going to have a story discussion at our next meeting!

The problem with that idea is that we’re the John H. Watson Society, and if we try to discuss a Sherlock Holmes story, who are we probably going to talk about most? Well, Sherlock Holmes, of course, and the next thing you know, we’re a Sherlock Holmes society and not, as the name strongly implies, a John H. Watson society.

So we’re going to try a little experiment at our next meeting we will be discussing Chapter 7 of The Hound of the Baskervilles, entitled “The Stapletons of Merripitt House” and no other parts of that novel.


Because it’s John Watson’s own story, going it alone and without Sherlock Holmes leading him around.

What can we learn about Watson when he doesn’t have his attention-grabbing room-mate sucking up all the oxygen in the room? Well, on Sunday, July 23, we’ll find out at noon Central time, as we discuss a purely Watson tale told by the man himself.

Here’s the registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvduqprzktGdPECb2NwMNC4yXHoQ3Y9kw-

John H. Watson’s Arch Enemy!

It’s time again for the Watsonians to gather on Zoom, and our opening salvo for June will be trying to figure out who John Watson’s arch enemy was. Sherlock had his Moriarty, but who was the anti-Watson? Who did Watson have a personal stake in striving against?

Join us online at the usual noon central time on Sunday, June 25th for answering this question and the usual random chat that follows. Here’s the registration link:


The Watsonian, Volume 11!

Print issues of the latest issue of The Watsonian – volume 11, number 1! – are arriving in mailboxes. Members can also access the digital edition via the Member Resources page.

If you are currently subscribed to the announcement list, you will soon see an email announcement as well. If you are not currently subscribed to the announcement list, please check your email for the confirmation link to subscribe.

A Watson Baby Shower?

Our May meeting falls right in the center of Memorial Day weekend, so we decided to just have some fun. The year is 1889. The Watsons have just had their first, very non-Canonical baby. You’ve only heard the baby is called “V,” so you don’t know its gender, but you’ve been invited to a baby shower that Mrs. Cecil Forrester is holding for them. What do you bring as an appropriate 1889 gift for the Baby V?

Think hard about it or make one up that afternoon, but we’ll be asking everyone to describe what they’ve brought to our imaginary Watson baby shower, and, if necessary, why?

It’ll be at the usual time on Sunday, May28. (Noon Central time. Six hours later, Southsea time. You figure out the rest.) Here’s the registration link:


Technical Difficulties

We are unable to process memberships at the moment. Selena is working on it and hopes to have everything back up and running soon. We apologize for the inconvenience!

The John H. Watson Society, now on Fourth Sundays!

After years of missing a core member of the John H. Watson Society, we are finally moving the meeting so she can come. It’s now fourth Sundays instead of fourth Saturdays, and as we’re also dodging too big events in the next two months, those will also be our opening theme for each of the next two meetings. And just to make sure we have our act together, we’ve already got registration links for both meetings!

Opening topic: “What did we learn in Dayton?”
When: Mar 26, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) 
Register in advance for the March meeting with this link!

Opening topic: “What did we learn at 221B Con?”
When: Apr 23, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for the April meeting with this link!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining each meeting.

Our February meeting!

It’s that time again, and on Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) the John H. Watson Society will Zoom gather. What’s going to happen this month? You just never know!

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

In the meantime, listen to this week’s Watsonian Weekly, if you’ve got twelve minutes to devote to our favorite John! Here’s one way to get there:


And We’re Back! And We’re Meeting!

guard outside sherlock holmes museum in london
Photo by Anna Kozlova on Pexels.com

First, thank you all very much for your patience as some behind the scenes chaos went on. The site is back up and running. Some of our media files are still being restored, but members can find downloadable digital Watsonian issues on the Member Resources page.

Also! We will be meeting on Zoom this Saturday, January 28. Here are the details:

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Saturday, Jan 28, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpceioqjkuGNzgu_jsjZGEt1FJmwAlnTGH

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Upon the Terrace for Ron Lies, JHWS “Chips”

We have received word that our dear “Chips” passed away yesterday, January 16, in Denver, Colorado.

When Ron joined the Society in 2013, he wrote:

I am at present Transcriber of Dr Watson’s Neglected Patients. I have been a past Staff Surgeon, past Chief Surgeon and member since 1972. I am a member of: The Sherlock Holmes Society of India; a member of The Sydney Passengers, The Sherlock Homes Society of Australia; and co- founder of The Sons of Shaw, a society honoring the memory of John Bennett Shaw.

I have had an overwhelming interest in Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson since seventh grade when I read “The Speckled Band” in my class’s Catholic Weekly Reader. I have always identified with Dr John Watson and now feel I am where I belong with The John H. Watson Society.

He contributed to the Society blog many, many times over the years, including his long-running irregular feature, “Tid Bits“. He always brought a spirit of joy and friendship to the world of Sherlockiana. In 2014, he shared some thoughts in an observation I will reprint here.

Recently, there have been exchanges online about who is a Sherlockian. We have always had a healthy exchange of different ideas. This discussion question has brought out responses that have caused hard feelings among some Sherlockians. This concerns me and I would like to share some thoughts I have about the Grand Game we play.

I was fortunate to meet and know John Bennett Shaw, who had the largest individual Sherlockian collection in the United States and was one of the kindest, most decent human beings I ever had the pleasure to know. In my too few visits by letter and in person, we discussed all things Sherlockian. The following points are concepts I took away from my conversations with John Bennett Shaw. I try to base my Sherlockian actions on these points:

1. If you have one of a Sherlockian collectible, you gloat. If you have two, you share.
2. A Sherlockian is anyone who has read a Sherlock Holmes story (preferably a story from the Canon) and tries to find more.
3. A Sherlockian is someone who has watched a Sherlock Holmes movie, television program or play and who tries to find more.
4. A Sherlockian is one who has listened to a Sherlockian radio show, tape or cassette and tries to find more.
5. We should treat a Sherlockian’s opinion with respect even if that opinion is wrong or disagrees with yours.
6. The most important rule is: if you are having fun, do it; if you are not having fun,

I wish you all could have met John Bennett Shaw. He was a Sherlockian and human being of the finest kind.

These then are my thoughts: I am afraid we are losing some of the fun in and respect for each other’s point of view that John mentioned we should have. We each have our own favourite Sherlock Holmes and his world. I am a traditionalist. My Sherlock Holmes is that of the Canon and of the world of 1887. The actor who portrayed my quintessential Holmes is Peter Cushing in his portrayal of Holmes in the 1968 BBC television series.

I am sure there are others who will disagree with me. I look forward to discussing my beliefs with you whether you are Brett supporters or the new wave of Cumberbatch supporters from the BBC Series “Sherlock” which updates Holmes to modern times. All I ask is that you treat my beliefs with the same respect and courtesy I will treat yours.

Greetings to all my Sherlockian friends and those friends I have not yet met.

I never had the privilege of meeting Ron in person, but he was a wonderful correspondent. I hope that we will continue to honor his spirit in all we do.

Please share your reminiscences and condolences in the comments. A memorial will be included in the Spring issue of the Watsonian.