This year’s Sherlock Seattle WATSON WASHINGTON Con is less than two weeks away now. And, this year, it’s all about our favorite fellow, Doctor John H Watson.
This year we’re taking the focus off of Sherlock Holmes and instead we are celebrating his amazing companion, Dr. Watson! As such for 2016 we are Watson Washington, a convention where we celebrate all things John Watson, from the original ACD canon stories to the latest incarnations of the world’s most famous doctor, and you’re invited to join us!
Our own Robert Ryan, JHWS “Caesar” and author of the “Dr Watson at War” novels, and Lawrence Albert, JHWS “Bertie” and the voice of Doctor Watson for Imagination Theater, are the Guests of Honor.
They’ll be joined by Elinor Gray, JHWS “Misty”, Ariana Maher, JHWS “Carla”, and Beth Gallego, JHWS “Selena Buttons” for a special panel at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday called “A Society for our Dear Doctor”.
While there are a plethora of societies celebrating Sherlock Holmes, there is only one society that specifically celebrates our favorite doctor – the John H Watson Society! Come meet some of it’s members and learn about how this society was recently founded, their current activities (such as publications, treasure hunts, and online discussions), and our enthusiasm for Dr John H. Watson!
We will also be in the Dealers’ Room with copies of the Watsonian and other publications for sale, as well as the opportunity to join or to renew your membership.
Will you be in Seattle for the Convention this year? Check in in the comments to this post!
I’ll be at Watson Washington all three days!
I plan to be there all day Saturday!