On behalf of the John H Watson Society, I wish the very warmest compliments of the season to you and yours.

Last year, “Chips” posted a photo of his copy of the BSI-published edition of “The Blue Carbuncle” with preface by Christopher Morley. In July, I ran across a copy in my local used bookshop, and found this lovely inscription inside:

To Ernie Baumgarth, at Christmastime, as a sort of keystone for a Sherlockian library. With all affection,
Russ McLauchlin
“Let me recommend this book, one of the most remarkable ever penned.”Dec. 25, 1948
(My thanks to Chris Redmond (JHWS “Buster”) and Chris Music for deciphering the names.)
Knowing that this book was once given as a token of friendship from one Sherlockian to another makes it even more special to me.
Indeed, it being the second day after Christmas, it is indeed the time to wish one and all here the Compliments of the Season, along with hopes for a wonderful New Year 2019 for all.
Thank you, “Roxie”!
Beautiful! And a piece of history, too! 🙂
I could hardly believe it when I found it!
What a delightful discovery!
You know, “delightful” is absolutely the right word!