On September 8th…

September 8, 1889: Victor Hatherley lost his thumb about 2:00 am. (ENGR)

Holmes, Watson, Insp. Bradstreet, an unnamed plain-clothes man, and Victor Hatherley took the train to Eyford. (ENGR)

Dr. Becker’s house, where Col. Lysander Stark was counterfeiting half-crowns, burned down. (ENGR)

On September 7th…

September 7, 1903: Holmes and Watson first meet Prof. Presbury. (CREE)

September 7, 1889: Col. Lysander Stark visited and hired Victor Hatherley. (ENGR)

Victor Hatherley took the train from London to Eyford arriving, about 11:15. (ENGR)

On August 17th…

No events on file today or tomorrow. Since the last case was CREE, how about three limericks by a wonderfully talented Sherlockian and Hound of the Internet who is sorely missed.

Which ending line do you like? Let me know and on with the show!

The Creeping Man
He ventured out every ninth night,
To scramble up trees in delight.
But then he was seized
By the dog he’d teased
Whose fangs tore his throat with one bite.

Don Dillistone, November, 2002

The Creeping Man
He ventured out every ninth night,
To scramble up trees in delight.
But then he was seized
By his dog whom he’d teased,
Who slashed his throat with a well-placed bite.

Don Dillistone, November, 2002

The Creeping Man
He ventured out every ninth night,
To scramble up trees in delight.
But then he was seized
By the dog he’d teased,
Who ripped his throat with a savage bite.

Don Dillistone, November, 2002

On August 9th…

August 9, 1860: Lucy Ferrier and Enoch Drebber were married, not in the eyes of decent men and God, whatever you conceive that to be. (STUD)

August 9, 1888: Susan Cushing received a packet containing two severed ears. (CARD)

On August 7th…

August 7, 1888: Jim Browner mailed 2 served ears to S. Cushing. (CARD)

August 7, 1903: Prof. Presbury took Lowenstein’s elixir of life for the fifth time. (CREE)