Welcome George Vanderburgh, M.D. to Charter Membership

The Society welcomes the distinguished and eminent Sherlockian, Dr. George Vanderburg, to Charter Membership. Dr. Vanderburgh is The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, the publisher of over 600 book titles to date, one of the great independent publishers of North America.

Retired from his service as a Flight Surgeon for the Canadian Armed Services,  and his subsequent career as a family physician in Shelburne, Ontario, Dr. Vanderburgh is also a member of the following clubs and organisations:

*   The Speckled Band of Boston
» The Beacon Society
» The Bootmakers of Toronto
» The Sherlock Holmes Society of London
» The  Maiwand Jezails
» The Mycroft Holmes Society of Syracuse
» The  Clients of Adrian Mulliner

Please join in welcoming this renowned Sherlockian and the Society’s first Canadian member to The John H Watson Society with our traditional greeting:  “You have been in Afgahanistan, I perceive.”